For example, if you create a new database with an8 KB page size, the default buffer pool for all the table spaces will be8 KB. 例如,如果用8KB页面大小创建一个新的数据库,那么所有表空间默认的缓冲池将是8KB。
This means that DB2 fetches every data page in the table space sequentially into the buffer pool. 这意味着DB2按顺序在表空间上提取每一个数据页面到缓冲池。
Rather, the page size for tables is determined by the page size of the buffer pool to which the table space containing the table is assigned. 相反,表的页宽是由相应的缓冲池的页宽来确定的,这个缓冲池也就是为包含该表的表空间所指定的缓冲池。
When considering a buffer pool for one or more table spaces, you must ensure that the table space page size and the buffer pool page size are the same for all table spaces that the buffer pool services. 当考虑将缓冲池用于一个或多个表空间时,必须保证表空间页大小和缓冲池页面大小对于缓冲池所服务的所有表空间而言都是一样的。
This gives you the ability to choose any page size you want, and still maintain a single buffer pool and uniform page size across the database. 这使得您可以选择需要的任何页面大小,并且在整个数据库仍然维护一个缓冲池和统一的页面大小。
These page cleaners write changed pages from the buffer pool to disk before the space in the buffer pool is required by a database agent. 在数据库代理程序需要缓冲池中的空间之前,这些页清除程序将缓冲池中已更改的页写到磁盘。
It is just as efficient for any member in the cluster to receive a data page from the global buffer pool, regardless of the size of the cluster. 无论集群大小如何,集群中的任何成员只需从全局缓冲池接收数据页。
When you create a database with a uniform page size, only one buffer pool to match this page size is required ( even if it isn't a4 KB). 在用统一的页面大小创建数据库时,只需要一个匹配该页面大小的缓冲池(即使它不是4KB)。
DB2 Page Cleaner ( db2pclnr): Equivalent to DBWR process in Oracle, this process cleans the buffer pool before pages from the disk are moved into the BP. DB2PageCleaner(db2pclnr):相当于Oracle中的DBWR进程,该进程在将页从磁盘上转移到BP中之前,清理缓冲池。
Note that the page sizes of8K for the buffer pool and table space are the same. 请注意,缓冲池和表空间的页大小都是8K,两者是相同的。
DB2 UDB encourages the asynchronous I/ O access of a page read and written between the buffer pool and the disk for optimal performance. DB2UDB鼓励缓冲池与磁盘之间页面读写的异步I/O访问,以便获得最优性能。
Although this lookup is done via the primary key index, it does take CPU cycles to do the search, and possibly I/ O to read index page ( s) into the buffer pool. 虽然这种查找是通过主键索引进行的,但是这仍然要占用CPU循环来进行搜索,而且可能还要占用I/O将索引页读入缓冲池。
If there are table spaces with different page sizes, there must be at least one buffer pool per page size. 如果有一些具有不同页大小的表空间,那么每种页大小必须至少有一个缓冲池。
Every time a member reads a page into its buffer pool, the PowerHA pureScale server not only keeps track of this "interest," but also requests from members to update rows on those pages. 每当一个成员将一个页读入它的缓冲池时,PowerHApureScale服务器不仅跟踪成员的这种“兴趣”,而且跟踪成员对更新那些页上的行的请求。
In general for bulk inserts, you will want asynchronous page cleaning to take place quite aggressively so that there are always free slots in the buffer pool for new pages. 一般来说,对于批量插入,您会希望积极地进行异步页清除(asynchronouspagecleaning),这样在缓冲池中就总有可用于新页的空余位置。
If you set the parameter to zero ( 0), no page cleaners are started and as a result, the database agents will perform all of the page writes from the buffer pool to disk. 如果将该参数设置成0,则不启动页清除程序,结果,数据库代理程序将缓冲池中的所有页写到磁盘。
A data page also remains compressed in the DB2 buffer pool there by allowing more data to be cached in memory for potential reuse. 在DB2缓冲池中数据页面也保持压缩的,为了潜在的重用允许更多的数据缓存在内存中。
Once the page is identified, as discussed above, it must be available in the buffer pool before rows can be added to it. 一旦像前面讨论的那样指定了页,那么在将行添加到该页之前,该页必须已经在缓冲池中。
The more page requests that can be satisfied by a buffer pool, the better query performance will be. 一个缓冲池可满足的页面请求越多,将得到越高的查询性能。
And once the data is on such a page, the page will be accessed via the buffer pool, which provides sophisticated caching techniques and tries to avoid file I/ O as much as possible. 一旦数据存储在那样一个页上,那一页将通过缓冲池来访问,这样可以利用先进的缓存技术,从而尽量避免文件I/O。
Each page with inserted rows will eventually be written from the buffer pool to disk. 插入了新行的每一页最后都要从缓冲池写入到磁盘。
The hit ratios for data and index pages reflect the number of times a page request was handled by the buffer pool directly without requiring disk I/ O. 数据和索引页面的击中率反映了缓冲池在不需要磁盘I/O的情况下直接处理一个页面请求的时间量。
By default, the system does not allocate any memory to the large page physical memory pool. 在默认情况下,系统并不为大页面物理内存池分配任何内存。
Also, when you create a table space in DB2 z/ OS, you will define its page size indirectly through a buffer pool of the required page size. 而且,在DB2z/OS中创建表空间时,您将通过具有所需页面大小的缓冲池间接定义其页面大小。
The vmo command can be used to configure the size of the large page physical memory pool using the lgpg_regions and lgpg_size options. 可以使用vmo命令的lgpgregions和lgpgsize选项配置大页面物理内存池的大小。
Number of requests per second to find a page in the buffer pool. 每秒要求在缓冲池中查找页的请求数。
This turns out not to be the case, unless the definition of "interesting" includes reading page after page about how it is almost impossible to find a printer cartridge, an inflatable swimming pool or a watch-strap that has not been manufactured in China. 事实并非如此,除非“有趣”的定义包括一页又一页的细节,说明要找到非中国制造的打印机墨盒、充气游泳池或表带,几乎是一件不可能的事。
After detaching, a page is placed into the page pool, where it will await reuse for some future request ( likely by a completely different user). 脱离后,页面被置入页面池中,以等待稍后的请求重新使用(很可能是另外一个完全不同的用户)。
Number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. 页若不被引用将在缓冲区池中停留的秒数。